#367访客25 Oct 2016 China......感谢!......期待!......祝福!...... 回复
#7Helen25 Oct 2016 AustraliaJack您好, 我是你博客的忠实读者。我想请问,我打算技术移民,我的条件是:如果拿到一份认可的job offer,就可达到160分。
我在想,是不是先申请工作签证?以后再申请永居。因为申请永居的过程比较长,雇主一般要求尽快能工作。我正在申请Community Support Worker的工作,一旦有job offer后,申请什么的工作签证才能以后转永居申请。(我查了一下,essential skills work visa, 签证到期后是不能转永居的,是吗?) 另外对这种工作签证的薪水要求必须是5.5万以上吗?
另外,工作签证是不能包括配偶的是吗?只有让他们另外申请visitor visa?
非常感谢! 回复
#139Anthony25 Oct 2016 China你好,博主,我刚刚看了新西兰官网,关于Silver Fern Work instructions,上面写:
Applications for this visa open on 03 November 2016 at 10:00 am (NZT),是不是说明今年是11月3日开放?比去年11月20日要早?还是说11月3日只是注册账户,但抢名额还有可能是11月20日呢?
2楼Jack LiuL9(26 Oct 2016, Intranet)今年时间提前了,11月3号开放申请.@TA
申请Silver Fern Practical Experience Visa + 申请Permanent Resident Visa(绿卡)
这步是直接申请permanent吗? 是否需要向smc技术移民样那般复杂,各种材料学历,职业评估。
2楼Jack LiuL9(26 Oct 2016, Intranet)是的,直接申请PR. 申请PR时有部分材料是减免的,比如雅思不用考了,体检也可以不用做,但有关job offer部分还是需要完整提供的,凡涉及加分项的材料全都要提供.@TA
3楼naonao(27 Oct 2016, China)看到官网如果直接申请PR,You must have held your resident visa continuously for at least 24 months at the time you apply for a permanent resident visa.You must provide either:your resident visa your residence permit.
银蕨或者银蕨实践签证属于resident visa?@TA
#139Lily26 Oct 2016 ChinaHi Jack,我准备申请银厥签证,有个疑问13年拿到学位的英国一年以上的硕士,是否可以豁免雅思免考呢?看到移民局官网有写貌似可以,但您的帖子说不可以。在疑惑中,盼尽快回复,非常感谢。
请参考移民网站上https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/apply-for-a-visa/criteria/silver-fern-job-search-work-visa?nationality=nationality-CHN&country=residence-CHN&applying=no的如下信息:After you apply online, you’ll be asked to provide evidence that one of the following apply:
you have an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) certificate score of 6.5 or more in the General or Academic module
you’re a citizen of Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom (UK) or the United States of America (USA), and you have spent at least five years working or studying in those countries, or in Australia or New Zealand
you have a recognised qualification that’s comparable to a New Zealand bachelor’s degree, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK or the USA. You must have also studied for at least two years in any of those countries to get that qualification
you have a recognised qualification that’s comparable to a postgraduate New Zealand qualification, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK or the USA. You must have also studied for at least one year in any of those countries to get that qualification.
2楼Jack LiuL9(26 Oct 2016, Intranet)新政下,英国硕士是可以申请雅思免考,不过不管在什么情况下,移民局都保留了有权利向任何人提出需雅思测试或其他认可的英语测试的要求.
我在想,是不是先申请工作签证?以后再申请永居。因为申请永居的过程比较长,雇主一般要求尽快能工作。我正在申请Community Support Worker的工作,一旦有job offer后,申请什么的工作签证才能以后转永居申请。(我查了一下,essential skills work visa, 签证到期后是不能转永居的,是吗?) 另外对这种工作签证的薪水要求必须是5.5万以上吗?
另外,工作签证是不能包括配偶的是吗?只有让他们另外申请visitor visa?
非常感谢! 回复
Applications for this visa open on 03 November 2016 at 10:00 am (NZT),是不是说明今年是11月3日开放?比去年11月20日要早?还是说11月3日只是注册账户,但抢名额还有可能是11月20日呢? 回复
申请Silver Fern Practical Experience Visa + 申请Permanent Resident Visa(绿卡)
这步是直接申请permanent吗? 是否需要向smc技术移民样那般复杂,各种材料学历,职业评估。 回复
请参考移民网站上https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/apply-for-a-visa/criteria/silver-fern-job-search-work-visa?nationality=nationality-CHN&country=residence-CHN&applying=no的如下信息:After you apply online, you’ll be asked to provide evidence that one of the following apply:
you have an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) certificate score of 6.5 or more in the General or Academic module
you’re a citizen of Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom (UK) or the United States of America (USA), and you have spent at least five years working or studying in those countries, or in Australia or New Zealand
you have a recognised qualification that’s comparable to a New Zealand bachelor’s degree, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK or the USA. You must have also studied for at least two years in any of those countries to get that qualification
you have a recognised qualification that’s comparable to a postgraduate New Zealand qualification, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK or the USA. You must have also studied for at least one year in any of those countries to get that qualification. 回复
想問問,我想通過找工作,然後移民的方式。如果我找到工作,是否可以用工作來加分呢?我沒有新西蘭本地學歷呢,我現在在看Job title的部份,以為我發現我的現在從事的工作沒有出現在list裡面,需要有類似的title,但現在從事的工作性質和新西蘭那邊的有好多不同的地方。 回复
我想去新西兰从事汽车维修工作,如何踏上新西兰国土?他们对汽车维修的技能标准是什么? 回复
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